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Commercial Curbing
Strong Reliable Cost Effective Options

Do you have a commercial project that needs curbing? We do new construction and curbing repair. Parking lot repair from snow clearing damage or construction. Curbmaster has options:
6"x6" Parking lot curb
Rebar and reinforcement options
New parking lot construction
Strongest Curb Mixture

Curbmaster’s concrete curbing is also an excellent choice for use in industrial/commercial areas and golf courses. In fact, golf courses are our specialty! Some of the benefits of using curbing on the course are:
Flexible timing when installing curbing to keep golfer’s moving through the course
Specialized, unique equipment for efficiency and reduction of construction time
Curbing helps control client usage resulting in reduced maintenance
Quality finish enhances course appearance
Industrial applications for 6”x6” curbing includes parking lots, around condo units, playground areas or other work areas that help define usage and reduce maintenance.